At the show in Venray Laga van de Franckenahoeve got 1 Very Good in Intermediate class.
At the Amsterdam Winnershow we had some nice results again:
Leonardo van de Franckenahoeve in Intermediate class: 1 Excellent, resCACIB.
Morgan van de Franckenahoeve in Minor puppy class: 1 Very Promising, Best Minor Puppy.
Laga van de Franckenahoeve in Intermediate class: 1 Excellent, resCAC, resCACIB.
At the show in Hazerswoude Laga van de Franckenahoeve and Leonardo van de Franckenahoeve both got in Intermediate Class 1 Very Good.
Laga van de Franckenahoeve has HD A, ED free and eyes free. We are very happy with these results.
New pictures in Litter M, including their names. Also new pictures in week 9. Morgan will stay with us, she has her own page now.
New pictures and a video in Litter M. Almost all puppies have left to their forever homes.
New pictures and video's in Litter M.
Last sunday we had the clubshow of the Mastiff Lovers Association. The judge was strict with his judgement, not that many dogs got excellent.
Our results:
Krato van de Franckenahoeve: 4 Very Good in Open class.
Leonardo van de Franckenahoeve: 2 Very Good in Youth class, qualified for Best Movement.
Lyndon van de Franckenahoeve: 3 Good in Youth class.
Hertog van de Franckenahoeve: 2 Good in Champion class.
Lareyna Sweetness Queen of Dogs Mastiff: 2 Very Good in Open class, qualified for Best Movement.
Laga van de Franckenahoeve: 1 Excellent in Intermediate class.
Breeding group: 2nd.
New pictures in Litter M.
New pictures and a video in Litter M.
Leonardo van de Franckenahoeve had two shows this weekend in Rotterdam. On saterday he got 1 Excellent in youthclass, Best Male and Best of Breed. In the group he was with the last 6. He is also Dutch Youthchampion now.
On sunday he got 1 Very Good in youthclass.
New pictures and video's in Litter M.
New pictures and a video in Litter M.
New pictures and a video in Litter M.
At the World Dog Show Laga van de Franckenahoeve got in youthclass 4 Excellent.
At the Benelux Winner Laga van de Franckenahoeve got in youthclass 2 Excellent.
New pictures and a video in Litter M.
At the show in Den Bosch Leonardo van de Franckenahoeve got in youthclass 1 Excellent, Best Youth, CAC and BOB.
New pictures in Litter M.
Yesterday our Litter M has been born. 5 dogs and 2 bitches. The pictures can we find via Pups -> Litter M.

This evening we lost Karhu unexpectedly.
At the show in Genk Krato van de Franckenahoeve got in Open class 2 Excellent, resCAC, resCACIB.
This weekend we had a double show in Zwolle. On saterday Lareyna Sweetness Queen of Dogs Mastiff got 1 Very Good in the Open Class.
On sunday Laga van de Franckenahoeve got 1 Very Good in the Intermediate Class.
This morning we did the ultrasound: Eliska is pregnant. By the end of July we expect the puppies.
At the show in Tilburg today Leonardo van de Franckenahoeve got in youthclass 1 Excellent and resCAC.

At the clubshow of the OEMCN today we got the following results:
Laga van de Franckenahoeve, youthclass Very Good.
Leonardo van de Franckenahoeve, youthclass 3 Very Good.
Lareyna Sweetness Queen of Dogs Mastiff, open class 3 Excellent, selected voor best movement.
Hertog van de Franckenahoeve, championclass 2 Excellent.
Krato van de Franckenahoeve, open class 1 Excellent, selected voor best movement.
Because of the 1 Excellent Krato had to compete for Best Dog, he did win this!
After that he had to compete against the Best Bitch, Krato also won this, so he went Best of Breed/Clubwinner 2018
Krato also is Dutch Champion now.

Today we had too early to say goodbye to Jaguar. The heat of the girls did put us on the wrong track, why he didn't want to eat.
He had a little piece of bone stuck in his intestines, the damage was so severe that he didn't survive.
Eliska has been mated, over 4 weeks we will do an ultrasound .

At the show in Venray Lareyna (Lareyna Sweetness Queen of Dogs Mastiff) got 1 Excellent, CAC, CACIB, BOB.
At the show in Lingen Krato van de Franckenahoeve got in Open class 1 Excellent, CAC, CACIB, BOB. In the group he made it to the last 7 dogs.
Laga van de Franckenahoeve got in youthclass 1 Excellent, JCAC and went BOS.
Leonardo van de Franckenahoeve got at the show in Goes today in youth class 1 Very Good.

Today was the show in Hazerswoude.
Largo van de Franckenahoeve in youthclass 1 Excellent, Best Dog, Best of Breed, Best Youth.
Laga van de Franckenahoeve in youthclass 1 Excellent, Best Bitch.
Just like Laga, Largo is also Dutch Youth Champion now, just before they are 1 year old.

This weekend there was a double show in Groningen, both days all breeds.
The results of saterday:
Largo van de Franckenahoeve in youthclass 1 Very Good.
Laga van de Franckenahoeve in youthclass 1 Excellent, Best Bitch en Best Youth.
The results of sunday:
Largo van de Franckenahoeve in youthclass 1 Excellent, Best Dog.
Laga van de Franckenahoeve in youthclass 1 Excellent, reserve Best Bitch and Best Youth.
I'm So Cool Debra-Damo (Eliska) in Open class 2 Excellent, resCACIB.
Lareyna Sweetness Queen of Dogs Mastiff in Open class 1 Excellent, Best Bitch, CACIB, BOB.
For Eliska and Lareyna it was their first.
Laga has got out of 3 shows 3x 1 Excellent, now she is Dutch Youth Champion.
At the show in Eindhoven Largo van de Franckenahoeve got in youthclass 1 Excellent and got resCAC. Laga van de Franckenahoeve got in youthclass also 1 Excellent.
New breeding plans.